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4 Tips to Create Better Dental Website Content for SEO

4 Tips to Create Better Dental Website Content for SEO

According to Pew Research, 72% of adults use the Internet to look up health information. For a dental practice like yours, this is the time to connect with new patients and get them in for appointments.

But in order to do this, you have to create dental website content that is visible in search results. Let’s explore how to create this kind of content.

1) Create Content People Are Looking For

Yes, most people looking for a new dentist find them online. But a much larger number of people find their dentist when they weren’t specifically looking for a new dentist.

To create better dental website content, you need to create the content that people are looking for online — not just more content that talks about the practice and services.

No, we’re not suggesting that you start a classic automobile blog or new celebrity news website. There are plenty of dental topics that people search for.

Are People Looking for Dentist Office Content?

Let’s see.

200 people a month ask “Do root canals hurt?” Another 200 want to know, “How to prevent cavities?” And 500 people want to know “how to brush baby teeth”.

If you consider all of the variations of questions like these, you have 1000’s of local people who visit your site to find authoritative answers to the questions they’re entering in search engines.

If only a tiny percentage become new patients, that’s still huge for your practice.

When your dental content writer provides the best answers while your website offers a great user experience, you reach more potential patients through your website.

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2)  Make it Browsable

People don’t read website content like they do a book. Studies show that people read web content in an F pattern. Read across. Read across. Then skim down.

Only after they do this, do they decide whether or not to actually read the article or further engage with your website.

Help these F-pattern readers understand what an article is about at a glance. Do this by making it very browsable with short paragraphs, images and sub-headings.

3) Set Clear Objectives

We know you want more patients. That’s a goal. And it’s a big one. But like anything in life, you need smaller objectives to help you get there.

To make better dental website content, set smaller objectives for your content. These could be things like getting visitors to:

  • Download a useful guide
  • Click on another article
  • Share the content
  • Follow you on Facebook
  • Click a link
  • Give you their email in exchange for a free gift

These may not sound like much. But what they do is help the visitor become more invested in your brand.

They further the visitor’s journey toward becoming a patient. And they’re great for SEO. They show search engines that people are engaging with your dental website content and loving it.

4) Make It Linkable

In order to be visible in search results, you must build the authority of your website. Providing authoritative content is only one piece of this.

You need “votes of confidence” from various places on the Internet. Search engines consider a link to your site to be a vote of confidence.

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As part of any link-building strategies you may be using to SEO your website, you need to create very linkable content.  Local businesses, schools, patients and industry professionals should have a reason to link to your page.

How to Create More Linkable Content

To create more linkable dental website content, do these things.

Include facts, figures, etc. that people link to cite their own work. Put these prominently in your article.

Do an original study on something in your industry. Discuss your results.

Give your expert opinion on a topic that is very relevant. It could be your professional opinion on a news story or new product. Put it in quotes.

Include great visuals like charts, videos, graphics or other things that people will instantly see and want to link to.

Connect with local charities, schools, event coordinators, local news, etc. Find ways incorporate them into your site to earn local links not only from the institution you reference but others in the area.

Dental Website Content and More

In order to get more patients through content, you need to create better content. Set clear objectives. And make it browsable to increase engagement. Start building up your natural link profile by creating content people want to link to. Most importantly, create content people are looking for.

For more tips to help you get more traffic and patients, follow our blog.

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