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3 Ways to Generate More Last Minute Online Leads as an Electrician

3 Ways to Generate More Last Minute Online Leads as an Electrician

Every second, of every day, Google is processing more than 40,000 search queries. Each one of these people is looking for something – is it you? Unfortunately, if you don’t have any online strategies in place to capture leads for your electrical company, the answer is – “probably not.”

The good news is, there are several ways to get leads online. With a drive to capture more leads, and the information here, you will find capturing your fair share of these leads is easier than you imagined.

If you are ready to use online lead generation efforts that work to find more customers searching for electrical services, then keep reading. The information found here is just for you!

1. Engage with Leads Directly

When trying to capture more leads, you need to make direct customer engagement a top priority. Unfortunately, most businesses opt for indirect engagement (i.e. FAQs). This isn’t a very effective engagement method.

After all, when someone is searching for an emergency electrician Brisbane, the last thing they want is to have to surf around a webpage trying to find a way to contact you. Make it clear and obvious.

With direct engagement this is possible. It uses features such as live chat, help centers, and forums. Here, customer service representatives are always “on” to ensure each electrically related question is handled. In this case, if the customer has an emergency, they can have someone respond immediately.

Engaged customers result in more word-of-mouth and more leads.

2. Develop a Website Design Based on Getting More Conversions

Having a website for your potential customers is great. You can let everyone know about your services, such as rewiring or hiring an installing new plugs and switches; however, you need to ensure your design is built around converting visitors, too.

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What does this mean?

That your contact information, value proposition, estimate form and service areas are visible on your homepage. This information is much more important than some large picture of someone holding some tools and wires.

While this may sound pretty logical, many business owners forget this is the main purpose of their website.

3. Create a Facebook Business Page

Chances are, by now, you know how powerful social media marketing is. When trying to find new leads, it’s a must-use tool in your electrician’s marketing arsenal.

There are tons of possible leads on Facebook, alone. As a result, you need to sign up for a business page (which is free, by the way). When setting up your page, make sure you create a call to action that to request a quote and use Facebook messenger to let leads reach you directly.

Always respond to these leads – they are hot!

You can also use your newly created Facebook page for adding reviews, images, videos, and new content. Instead of trying to get followers and Likes, focus on recommendations. Being on Facebook makes it easy for those in need of electrical services to find you.

Generating Leads Online: Now You Know

As an electrician, you need calls coming in and inquiries to keep your business going. With the information here, you will be in a better position to generate leads online.

If you still need help generating more leads for your business, be sure to reach out to our professional team. In addition to helping electricians, we can also help all businesses overcome some of today’s most common marketing challenges.

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