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Top 5 SEO Solutions for a Surveillance Company

Top 5 SEO Solutions for a Surveillance Company

There are dozens of home surveillance companies online.

A key problem they all face is competing for customers’ eyes online.

If a surveillance company isn’t on the first search engine result page (SERP), it’s likely they won’t be seen at all. That’s because 95% of web traffic drops off after the first SERP.

Luckily, there are plenty of SEO solutions you can implement to help boost your rankings online. When implemented correctly, you’ll notice a gradual increase in your SERP ranking and web traffic.

These solutions are not immediate fixes. Your SEO ranking takes time to improve, so be patient.

In this article, we’ll discuss the best SEO solutions for surveillance companies.

Keyword Intent, Not Keywords

Google is getting better at understanding the intent behind a user’s search. This is thanks to RankBrian, Google’s AI solution for search.

This means you can develop a holistic keyword strategy. This means it should include high-demand keywords, long-tail keywords, and related words. The more related words you use for a keyword, the better Google understands it.

For example, you might want to rank for “home surveillance” and “easy home surveillance installation.” In your content, you should include those keywords but also use phrases like “home security camera” or “wifi controlled home security.”

Make the UX Amazing

User experience (UX) doesn’t directly affect your page’s ranking, but it does affect how long a user’s session is.

Having great UX – interactive elements, page layout, navigation, etc. – impacts bounce rate and user session. The lower your bounce rate and the higher your user session length, the better your SEO score.

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By making your website easy to interact with and easy to find what a customer needs, you improve their experience.

A website like security site is easy to navigate and find what you want.

Take Site Security Seriously

Cybersecurity is a major area of concern for search engines. Google has announced that it will start rewarding websites that have HTTPS encryption with SSL certificates.

While making the switch to HTTPS is a bit expensive, it pays off in the long run. You’ll notice that your website ranks higher, there’s better user trust, and you’ll get more secure referrals.

It’s all part of getting Google and your customers to trust your website.

No More Fluffy Content

Along with RankBrain’s ability to understand intent also comes its ability to better understand what kind of content is valuable and what’s not.

That means you shouldn’t publish content that isn’t useful for your potential customers.

For home surveillance companies, a post about how to set up a home security system from start to finish with all the technical instructions would be very valuable to a customer. A post that only lightly skims the surface of why someone should install a home security system would not be valuable.

Go Mobile

If you haven’t already, you need to make your website mobile-friendly. It’s probably the most important of these SEO solutions.

More searches occur on mobile than on desktop, making having a mobile site imperative.

Having a mobile website will make Google favor your website more, too. While they won’t punish you for not having a mobile site, they will favor your competitors who have gone mobile.

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Your SEO Solutions for Success

Improving your SEO ranking doesn’t happen overnight. You have to continuously make improvements through implementing these SEO solutions and others.

Tracking your website’s analytics will help you better understand how your SEO changes affect your ranking.

You can learn more about using Google Analytics here.

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