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7 Ways a Link Building Agency Can Help Bring Success

7 Ways a Link Building Agency Can Help Bring Success

Link building is absolutely necessary when you set out to create a marketing campaign that’ll be successful. The challenge is how to build links the right way. A link building agency can handle this challenge for you.

When we talk about link building, we’re referring to a strategy that revolves around well-researched, well-written, valuable and original content.

Some link building strategies including producing content with links that point back to your domain and are published on high-visibility websites.

Other strategies include the writing, publication, and syndication of content on your own site, with the hopes that it’ll go viral. When this happens, you naturally attract inbound links on the merits of the content quality.

In either one of these scenarios, the links you earn are incredibly valuable. In fact, they’re almost necessary if you’re working to get your domain to rank well in organic searches.

So how can a link building agency help drive your site to success?

Let’s take a look at 7 specific things a link building agency can do for you.

1. Domain and Page Authority

When Google’s algorithms determine how to rank pages for searches, one of the biggest considerations it weighs is the quality and quantity of inbound links going to that page.

The way to measure this metric is referred to as page authority.

In a similar way, domain authority measures the same metric for the whole of your website.

The higher your domain authority, the higher you’ll rank for any and all relevant searches.

The number of links that point back to your domain, coupled with the quality of the sources, helps determine a large portion of your overall domain authority.

The more a link building agency properly invests in your link building campaign, the higher your site will rank in organic search results.

2. Referral Traffic

Let’s forget about SEO for a while. There’s a more obvious, and sometimes forgotten benefit to quality link building.

The links that are built, in theory, exist indefinitely. As such, they can be clicked on by readers at any time.

When a user is interested in the material they’re reading and wants to learn more, it’s easy for them to click through and end up on your site.

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The deeper you get into link building, you’ll often find that the referral traffic you get exceeds organic search traffic created from the SEO benefits of link building.

3. Visibility for Your Brand

A link building agency knows how to get your brand in front of a lot of eyes.

Every new source they contact for guest posting opportunities is new chances to get your brand exposed to new customers.

Remember, big publishing houses are constantly looking for new content. The content you can provide actually does them a favor.

But within that favor, you’re getting your site free advertising to an audience who has probably never heard of your brand.

This leads to greater brand recognition and a chance to gain direct traffic as time moves on.

4. Build Brand Authority

Want to be considered a thought-leader in your industry? Link building is a great way to do this.

When the opportunities to link build arrive, publish thoroughly researched, strong and opinionated pieces. Over time, readers of those publishers will start to see you as an authority in your industry.

After reading a few of your high-quality pieces, readers will want to check out your site. This leads to increased referral traffic and higher conversion rates.

Link building agencies can show you exactly how to get this done.

5. Build Credibility and Trust

When your link building agency lands you placement on high-profile publications, it’s something for you to brag about.

Successful brands display logos of publications they’ve appeared in. Think of it as a web badge of honor that your brand has “hit it big”.

Beyond that, you can talk about your features on these high-profile publications on social media and your marketing materials.

By doing this, you’ll build credibility and trust with your current customers as well as ones you haven’t earned yet.

6. Gain Exposure to Other Authorities in Your Industry

It’s important to remember that the guest posting circuit is a two-way street. You’re providing great content to high-level publishers in your industry. But you’ll also get to find out what other influencers are writing about.

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Chances are, you’ll attract some of these influencers that’ll want to become guest posters on your site.

That means absolutely free content for you, free content ideas for the future and a higher level of connection to your audience and industry influencers.

Doesn’t that sound like a win-win-win situation?

A link building agency can make it happen for you.

7. Boosts in Syndication

Over the course of time, link building allows you to build relationships with many sources. If you keep sharing their material, guess what? They’ll keep sharing yours.

When you publish a new post on your site, those relationships will come to light and you’ll probably get a boost in early syndication from at least a couple of those sources.

This means greater overall reach of your content.

Do you see how link building goes so far beyond SEO?

Bonus Benefit: Link Building Lasts Forever

Traditional marketing and paid advertising are temporary. Although they do help promote your overall branding, once the campaigns are over typically the clicks stop.

When you invest in link building, that investment lasts as long as the link and page it resides remain live.

Paid advertising is like renting temporary visibility. Links get you a permanent placement that continually sends traffic as long as they exist.

Think of it like permanently investing in a home vs. temporarily renting it. The equity you gain in link building pays you back over the long-haul. Renting ads doesn’t.

A Link Building Agency Knows How to Leverage the Power of Link Building

Now that you see how beneficial link building is, it’s time to get on board with a link building agency that knows how to get it done right.

Is link building something you can take on yourself? Sure it is. But doing it right is a huge investment in time.

You probably have other areas of your business where your precious time is needed.

Ready to learn more powerful strategies that will bring you more traffic and business? These SEO strategies are a must-read.

We hope you enjoy more of our great content!

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