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5 Pro Tips To Improve Your Law Firm SEO Game

5 Pro Tips To Improve Your Law Firm SEO Game

As a lawyer, you work tirelessly to provide the best for your clients. You have all of the tools to get the job done, there’s just one thing you’re missing: clients.

Needless to say, a law firm without clients isn’t going to last long. You’ll need to brush up on your marketing and get with the times.

Three little letters will fundamentally change the way you do business: SEO. Short for search engine optimization, SEO is what fuels the net. More importantly, it’s how clients will find you.

Here are five fast and easy law firm SEO tips to up your digital marketing game.

1. Follow Your Clients

Marketing used to be a lot easier. In the old days, a business could simply advertise their product and sit back as clients flock to them in droves.

But today’s consumer is a bit smarter. As a result, the process has changed. Now, it’s you who needs to find them.

First, establish your ideal client for your specific brand of law. Next, find out where that client is likely spending their time online.

Odds are your dream customer is on more than one social media site. Tailor your advertising efforts to their location and demographics to make finding new clients easier.

2. Exercise Your Creative Muscles

You may not fancy yourself the next Ernest Hemingway, but that doesn’t mean people don’t want to know more about your law firm. Law firm SEO, like other forms of SEO, is largely predicated on content.

So boost your visibility by posting thoughtful, original content to your firm’s site. You don’t have to post too often — once or twice a week should suffice — but it should be regular.

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Write about what’s going on in the legal world, and offer tangible advice to those who may need your services. For

3. Revamp Your Website

Your website is a representation of your business. Therefore, it needs to be neat, tidy, and easy to use. If customers find your site too cumbersome, they’ll take their business elsewhere.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or just revising your site, browse with these questions in mind:

  • Is my site easy to use?
  • Does it answer the essential questions a client may have?
  • Is my design too busy?
  • How quickly does my homepage load?

You don’t have to be a web designer to appreciate good design. Browse the Burman Law site for inspiration. It shows users who they are, what areas of law they practice, and how to get in touch.

4. Plan Keywords In Advance

Content is great, but it needs to be filled with strong, relevant keywords. And while keyword planning isn’t something that one can learn overnight, there are plenty of tools out there to make it easier.

Consider signing up for an AdWords plan, or checking out a free alternative.

5. Take A NAP

No, we’re not suggesting a nice rest will help your law firm SEO. NAP is an acronym for name, place, and address.

These are the three factors do more for a site’s SEO than just about anything else. Sign up for a My Business account and make sure that clients can find you when they need you.

Final Thoughts On Law Firm SEO

Law and SEO aren’t all that different. Both follow a strict set of guidelines that change on a regular basis, and both require tons of practice. These tips will truly elevate your law firm SEO and help you find more clients.

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