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3 Organic SEO Services For Marketing Your Vacation Rental Website

3 Organic SEO Services For Marketing Your Vacation Rental Website

With Google bots indexing website rankings and the advent of website-building platforms, organic SEO services have become a must-have.

Everyone has a website these days, and to be noticed is to follow proper search engine optimization rules.

The same rules apply to all businesses, whether you’re a lawyer or you run a vacation rental website.

If you’re not up-to-date with online marketing best practices, don’t fret! We’ve got you covered.

Organic SEO strategies can easily be applied to boost your vacation rental website across the board.

Read on to learn three simple habits that will keep you in front of your online audience.

1. Keywords

Search engine optimization (SEO) and trending keywords are all about getting that “free” or unpaid traffic (as opposed to something like Google AdWords).

The best way to do that is to post optimized, useful content on your blogs and websites. That means that you should eliminate any fluffy articles or content that is not of your best quality.

Research what keywords your target audience is using in their search engines to find services similar to yours.

Next, sprinkle those keywords throughout your content so that Google returns your website when consumers search. For example, if your target audience is looking for rentals on the Gold Coast, use rentals Gold Coast strategically throughout.

There is a specific recipe to use, too (something like .05-1% of the text should be the keyword on a given page).

Too few keywords and the Google bots can’t find your website. Too many keywords and the Google bots think you’re a scam trying to abuse the system.

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2. Meta Description

While this is often overlooked, the meta description is an essential component to truly optimizing your page.

For those who don’t know, the meta description is the text that appears under your page title in a search result.

When a consumer performs a Google search and finds your website on the result list, it’s the meta description that will introduce them to your company and services–before they even see the homepage of your website.

The meta description should utilize keywords and be specific to the work your company provides. It may be the only thing standing between you and a competitor.

3. Page Titles and Headers

The page title is the blue and underlined text that appears right above the meta description. It’ll also appear in a portion of the HTML.

As a rule of thumb, your page title should utilize keywords and be unique to that content on the page.

Don’t make titles too lengthy and avoid keyword stuffing. Make them short, sweet, and directly to the point.

As for headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.), they should also use keywords throughout.

There should be one main header (the H1) as well as a few H2s on the page. Feel free to use other heading sizes as you want, but these are basically necessary.

Where to Find Organic SEO Services

If you’re looking for professional organic SEO services, you might not need to hire an additional person to the team.

Instead, use the insight at Text Links to either refresh your SEO tactics or learn new tricks for your vacation rental website.

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