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7 Reasons Why You Need Backlink Builders to Boost SEO

7 Reasons Why You Need Backlink Builders to Boost SEO

If you’re set on shoring up your site’s SEO, it’s time to talk about backlinks.

Backlinks, or inbound links, are those helpful little hyperlinks that appear all over the web and direct traffic back to your site. They’re great for building relationships, boosting your search rank, and getting your brand name out there.

They’re also an invaluable tool for generating inbound leads for your business. As it turns out, inbound leads cost 61 percent less than outbound. They tend to draw in much more motivated site visitors, too.

Ready to start building up your backlinks? Here are 7 reasons why you need a backlink builder.

Backlink Builder Basics

So, what is a backlink builder?

Simply put, it’s a piece of software that helps you identify good opportunities to build up your backlinks.

In the world of SEO, quality backlinks are pretty darn valuable. Not only do they get your name and branding out there and increase your site traffic, but Google actually ranks sites with lots of backlinks higher.

In fact, backlinks are one of the most important signals Google uses to rank websites. Together with relevant, high-quality content, backlinks are essential to a good SEO campaign.

That’s because backlinks are almost like online references for your site. If you can get another site’s proprietor to link back to your page, it’s like they’re extending a little bit of their online reputation to you.

You can build your backlinks by yourself, but it’s a long process that requires a lot of technical know-how. That’s where a backlink builder can really help you hit your SEO goals–without forcing you to become an SEO expert.

7 Reasons You Need a Backlink Builder

1. Build Up Existing Business Relationships–Or Create New Ones

Backlink building is really an exercise in online networking. To secure the links you want, you need to be in contact with the owners of your target site.

That means you need to feel comfortable reaching out and pitching your site as a good link. If that sounds a little intimidating, don’t worry. The sites you’ll pitch to benefit from the relationship, too.

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A builder can help you streamline this process. It can quickly ID sites that fit with yours. It might even find sites advertising backlink opportunities.

2. Find the Right Keywords for Your Links

A builder can also help you integrate your keyword strategy into your backlinks.

You can use them to find opportunities directly tied to the keywords you want to be known for. Backlinks tied to your keywords will do a lot to establish your site as an authority on your chosen topic.

That offers a fast, easy way to cut through a lot of the noise out so you can get the best results.

3. Target Only Relevant, High-Ranked Sites

It’s enough to cultivate backlinks if you want a high ranking. Your links need to come from relevant sites that feature high-quality content. Google will not be impressed if spammy, low-ranked sites start linking back to yours.

For instance, if you’re looking to start up a relationship with a web hosting service, a backlink builder can help you identify quality brands that fit with your keywords. If a company with a global reach and affordable pricing align with your research, your builder might flag a company like 2mHost.

Your builder will weed out any irrelevant, low-quality sites so you don’t waste time pitching to them. It will keep you focused on building high-quality backlinks.

4. Control the Type of Site Your Link Appears On

The greatest thing about backlink builders is they are customizable.

If, for example, you only want to cultivate backlinks from blogs, you can target your searches to exclude e-commerce sites.

Maybe geographical location is important to your business, and you want to restrict your search to site’s based in the U.S.

A custom builder can handle whatever parameters you need to get most helpful results for your site.

5. Check for Broken-Link Opportunities

This tool can also help you get your foot in the door when other sites let errors creep into their pages.

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Coupled with a broken link checker, your builder can help you flag opportunities to build new relationships.

If your backlink builder identifies a good fit and you identify a few broken links, you can pitch yourself as a website that won’t return a 404 error.

Used creatively, your builder can hone your efforts so you get the greatest return on your time investment.

6. Research Your Competitors’ Backlink Strategy

Many builders will let you track the strategies of your biggest competitors. They can flag backlinks they’ve secured so you can see any opportunities you’ve missed.

If you find out your number-one competitor appeared in a product round-up and you weren’t mentioned, you can reach out to the blogger or journalist and ask to be included next time.

If they’re getting a lot of traffic from a business directory, it might be time to add your name to that list.

A builder can even identify any creative keywords your competitors have found some success with.

Knowing what’s already working for them can cut your research and testing time in half.

7. Identify Guest Blogger Opportunities

Guest blogging is a great way to generate high-quality backlinks–while simultaneously establishing yourself as a thought leader.

Guest blogging is when a well-established site opens its doors to an occasional guest post. A good backlink builder can check for these opportunities, too.

A guest blogging relationship is a very valuable thing to have. If your post is impressive and draws in traffic, you could be asked to write more articles.

That can build into a steady stream of motivated, high-quality traffic for your site.

Get More SEO Strategies from TextLinks

SEO best practices change every time Google updates their preferences. At TextLinks, we stay up to date on the newest developments in the field so you can learn fast and move on with your day.

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